Whole-grain flour contains all parts of the grain with the exception of the husk.
Whole grain foods contains the following parts; Bran, Endosperm and Germ, originally present before processing.
Refined grains on the other hand are mainly composed of only endosperm portion of the grain. Milling process removes bran and some also removes germ, along with the majority of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals.
Iceberg Lettuce. It is a really crispy cabbage looking lettuce. It can be dark green or red.
- In respiratory system the lungs are two spongy, cone shaped organs in the thoracic cavity and are separated from each other by the heart and other structures found in the mediastinum.
- Deep grooves called fissures divide each lung into lobes. Each lobe receives its own secondary bronchus. Each lung lobe is divided into smaller segments that are supplied by a tertiary bronchus.
- <em><u>The segments, in turn are subdivided into small compartments called lobules, which contains, lymphatic vessel, arteriole, venules and also a branch from terminal bronchiole wrapped in elastic connective tissue.</u></em>
Coral reefs interact with the hydrosphere by keeping the ocean cleaner and less waves.