Answer and Explanation:
Plains of wheat, number of fields of flowering canola, numerous rows of fruit trees: stunning photographs have been taken of these landscapes.
Filling these lands with just one crop consider as a mono culture, which is a common and efficient way to produce food and fiber.
International research shows that mono cultures can be adverse to the environment. The production could also affect soil quality, erosion, plants and animals, and, eventually, declining crop yields.
Nature does not work as a Mono culture. Natural ecosystems that seem to be dominated by one plant or tree species also have many other plant species growing under them.
The diversity of plant species and sizes supports diverse wildlife communities. Moreover, this diversity supports ecosystem services just as pollination and biological control.
Change your to youre
you are makes the most sense in this sentence
Without missing an important deatail
I can use the information i learned about drafting techniques when planning for an essay. These techniques give me ways to organize my essay easier. I can change my writing habits with these techniques by always drafting before i begin writing my essay. I will always include supporting details and basic quotes under my plan for my body paragraphs. I can also make sure to include a hook under my plan for my introduction.
kind of garbage at writing this stuff, but i hope it works <3 feel free to c & p
Answer: Chasing stars can be defined as being overtly "happy". Feeling an excitement.