<h2>If Barr bodies are not due to random inactivation, but rather, the silencing is due to paternal imprinting then the frequency of men and women differs.
Red-green color blindness: color blindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. The male having this disease will transmit his X chromosome (with the mutation) to his daughter, who will then be a carrier of the disease.
If Barr bodies are not due to random inactivation, but rather, the silencing is due to paternal imprinting then the frequency of men and women differs.
Male inherit its X chromosome only from mother and no X chromosome from father, having one Y chromosome but female receive one X chromosome from father and one from mother, having no Y chromosome, So if the paternal allele is silenced then the males are no affected.
For evolution to occur:
There must be genetic variation in a population. This provides variation on which natural selection can act. Then natural selection can act by selecting those species which are better adapted to the environmental conditions. Over time those animals that are best suited to the environment only will survive and reproduce. Those organisms successful genes will be preserved and eventually the gene frequency in the population will change, changing the overall characteristics of a population. This is how evolution occurs.
The frequency of RR is found by squaring the frequency of R. The answer is about .72 or 72 %