When who says it? that women is sweet.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The title of my book is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It is written by J.K. Rowling. I really liked this book. This book is a fiction book. That of course means it’s not true.
Harry Potter is a twelve-year-old boy whose parents were killed by Voldemort. Harry has a scar shaped like a lighting bolt on his forehead. He has black hair, like his father, and green eyes, like his mother. Ron Weasley is a red haired, freckled faced boy. Ron is Harry’s best friend. He is very poor and has five older brothers and a younger sister. Hermione Granger is Harry and Ron’s other friend. She has muggle parents. She has bushy brown hair
What tone is this?(sad, happy,hopeful, evasive, calm,hollow,forcefule,lonely,afraid,confident,etc.)
olchik [2.2K]
Diana Garcia's poem "On Leaving" is part of her "On Leaving | On Staying Behind" where she talks of escaping to the border. The escape journey by train would be the main focus of the short poem where she talks about how to be safe throughout the journey.
In the given lines, she talks of how her cousins had told her about<em> "those wearing yellow"</em>, people from their village. Such men with yellow bandanas are safe and would be there to help her for <em>"they speak our language, they are known to our village."</em> This presents a hopeful tone to the speaker, for it signifies her safety and that of her cousins who are with her.