El cine latinoamericano se refiere colectivamente a la producción cinematográfica y a las industrias cinematográficas de América Latina. El cine latinoamericano es rico y diverso, pero los principales centros de producción han sido Argentina, Brasil y México. El cine latinoamericano floreció después de la introducción del sonido, que añadió una barrera linguística a la exportación de películas de Hollywood al sur de la frontera.
- overtime premiums being charged to the direct labor account
- skilled workers being assigned to jobs requiring little skill.
Unfavorable labor rate variances occur when labor expenses supersede management expectations, thus causing cash flow problems, stagnation of profit, etc. It indicates that the cost of labor is way expensive than anticipated. A number of variations may cause such unfavorable variance. Some of them include staffing variance, pay premium, scheduling problem, etc. Identification of the cause can help to prevent their impact and or limit their impact.
Answer: 1 true 2 true 3 false 4 true 5 false 6 true
Explanation: thats all up
no problem
I dont see the provided reading, but i do know 9/11 attacks are connected to afganistan because the taliban (a group of terrorists) were protected by afghan