Las figuras autoritarias viven con el temor constante de no obtener, tener, conservar o perder la autoridad. Su validez tiene que venir de afuera, requiriendo la cooperación, voluntaria o temerosa, de aquellos que están subordinados. Las figuras de autoridad, por otro lado, derivan su validez de elementos de sí mismos, su carácter, conocimiento, experiencia y habilidades, su elección de cómo, cuándo, dónde y en nombre de quién ejercer esa autoridad. Su validez debe provenir de ellos mismos para ser auténticamente procesables
We take it for granted that the United States is the most powerful country on Earth today, and perhaps in human history. The story of how that came to be is long, fascinating, complex — and often misunderstood. Here, excerpted in part from "70 maps that explain America," are maps that help show some of the key moments and forces that contributed to the US's rise as sole global superpower.
The answer is "intimacy vs. isolation".
Intimacy versus isolation refers to the 6th phase of Erik Erikson's hypothesis of psychosocial advancement. This stage happens amid youthful adulthood between the periods of roughly 19 and 40. Amid this period, the significant clash focuses on shaping private, cherishing associations with other individuals.
Walter Mischel sparked controversy with trait theorists and others by stating he had found evidence in direct opposition to the idea that traits are enduring behavioral patterns that occur regardless of most circumstances. Mischel believed that situations determine behaviors, not personality traits. Trait theorists argue that a person’s behaviors are guided by personality traits.