The correct answer is b.
Answers a, b, and c are very similar. Form 301 is the Illness and Injury Incident Report; it is what is filled out, not posted.
The OSHA Form 300 A is the summary of work-related injuries and illnesses.
Part 1926 are safety and health regulations.
Some of the errors that a Medical Assistant can introduce could be errors in getting patient's profile and medical history. Others can include giving of wrong advise that can put the patient in danger. To reduce errors in taking vital signs first one should make sure that the equipment to be use is working properly. There should also be precautions like when taking blood pressure, one should put the cuff 1-2 inches above the antecubital and should not be too lose or too tight to avoid false reading. For temperature, one should also compare the reading at the thermometer and touch the patient if he or she is warm or cold and for the pulse rate and respiratory rate, one should count on full minute not just 15 seconds multiply it to 4 to get a one minute.
Vaccinations exist for the flu and the chicken pox
Real Estate! It is the safest investment. $10,000 can be a down payment on a small home depending on where the friend lives.
Tax deferred annuities or 401k plans through an employer are also safe investments. Any investment that has long term growth rather than risky stocks is a smart choice.