<span>During World War I, most attacks in no-man’s-land led to death, no tangible territorial gains and mass suffering on both sides </span>
Most of the workers are<em> young immigrants</em>. They were Russian Jews or Italians, some of them were also from Hungary and Germany. Nearly all of them spoke little to no English. Their age ranged from 12 to 15 years old. Sometimes the whole family (mother, daughter, sister) was employed at the factory. They were paid at piecework rates, so that the pay depended on the skill of the work done and on how quickly one worked.
They worked 7 days a week, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. with a half hour lunch break, sometimes non stop. They were paid about 6$ a week. The Factory was described as unsanitary and the women had to leave the building to use the bathroom. There was only one fire escape and one elevator.
4. Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister
1. A conflict breaks out at the Sikh Golden Temple
3. India gain independence
2. Indira Gandhi is assassinated
Round headed figure. 3000 BC, Niger.
Giraffe engraving, Niger, Bradshaw foundation.
Nok head. Northern Nigeria. 500BC - AD500.
Jos museum, Nigeria. ( The terracotta clay slip has eroded away leaving a grainy pock-marked original surface)
It was a tradition economy.