A well educated Spartan boy and Athenian can spell "educated" correctly.
Egypt developed around the Nile River, while Mesopotamia developed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. ... Politically, both Egypt and Mesopotamia had a government with one main ruler, but Egypt had a centralized government with a pharaoh, while Mesopotamia had a decentralized government with a king.Oct 22, 2012
Silk was even used as money during some Ancient Chinese dynasties. Silk became a prized export for the Chinese. Nobles and kings of foreign lands desired silk and would pay high prices for the cloth. The emperors of China wanted to keep the process for making silk a secret.
After the Indian Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, the British government assumed full control, dissolving the trading company. Imperial rule destroyed India's local hand loom industry to fund its own industrialization.