Following are the response to the given question:
The glamorous objective is to examine the items (as being the most valuable and "cheapest" items are chosen) while no item is selectable - in other words, the loading can be reached.
Assume that such a strategy also isn't optimum, this is that there is the set of items not including one of the selfish strategy items (say, i-th item), but instead a heavy, less valuable item j, with j > i and is optimal.
As , the i-th item may be substituted by the j-th item, as well as the overall load is still sustainable. Moreover, because and this strategy is better, our total profit has dropped. Contradiction.
B. Internet Telephony would be my best guess. I'm not that good with computers. Hope this Helps :-)
userInput = input("Please enter a string of words ")
userInput.split ()
for item in userInput.split ():
if item =="darn":
Using Python programming language, the input function is used to receive the users input and save in a variable userInput
Then the .split method is used to convert the words into a list of words.
Using a for loop, the code checks for the word darn and prints censored if it exists else it prints the userInput
file, properties, options, general