One of their ideas was cloning
Hope I helped! ( Smiles )
1 Tell them with videos the real dangers and effects of everyone of the drugs
2 Tell the parents to speak to them
3 inform them of the danger of sexual relations with people the do not know well
4 tell them that under no circumstances they should drive if the drink alcohol
5 Talk to them about the immense possibilities they have in front of them and they will get their dreams true if they work hard , they are honest and respect people .
The answer is the quadriceps.
The hamstring, located between the hip and the knee joint, is one of the biggest muscles in the human body and one of the three posterior thigh muscles. In order to properly stretch the hamstring so as not to cause any injuries, because the hamstring is one of the muscles most susceptible to injury, the person needs to stretch their quadriceps knee extension during the active supine biceps femoris stretch.
I hope this answer helps.