Emerson obviously reveres nature and believes that one should maintain a sense of awe and wonder that children have in appreciating natural beauty. Also he states that nature does not display a mean appearance for example in such things as glorious sunsets ore even in menacing natural phenomena like erupting volcanoes at night time the pyroclastics cascading down the slopes of the volcano are beautiful. He speaks of the "integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects" and this is reminiscent of Alexander Von Humboldt when he and his partner Bonpland the botanist first arrived in what became known as Venezuela they were both drunk by the myriad wonderful aspects of the lush vegetation in all its tropical splendor. Emerson said "a wild delight runs through the man in spite of sorrows" at the sight of nature and that is what Humboldt and Bonpland experienced especially since they were natural scientists so could appreciate the natural environment much more.
The answer is option B.
The expression ''grapes of fierceness'' is a scriptural implication, or reference, to the Book of Revelation, section 14:19-20, which peruses, ''So the blessed messenger swung his sickle to the earth and accumulated the bunches from the vine of the earth, and tossed them into the extraordinary wine press of the anger of God.''They considered Steinbeck a socialist. Entrepreneurs and landowners railed against the novel's advancement of work unionization, dreadful of the impact it would have on the specialists under their utilize. How about we take a gander at a few reasons John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath was prohibited, tested, and consumed over the country.The title is taken from The Battle Hymn of the Republic by Julia Howe as found in these sections: Mine eyes have seen the happening to the greatness of the Lord, He is stomping on the vintage where the grapes of rage are put away.
What is Stevie’s last name?
Seed folks is a children's novel by Paul Fleischman. It was published in 1997. The book describes the creation of a community garden on Gibb Street in Cleveland, Ohio, from the point of view of thirteen separate narrators each from a different ethnic group.
hope it helps.
The B answer was wrong so I decided to figure it out, its D