The appropriate response is Ethnocentrism, drive out European colonialism. Unmistakably the essential main impetus for the Imperialism in Europe was ethnocentrism and not the prudent advantages the Europeans were making. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture exclusively by the qualities and measures of one's own way of life. Ethnocentric people judge different gatherings in respect to their own ethnic gathering or culture, particularly with worry for dialect, conduct, traditions, and religion.
Image result for Describe the purpose of the contact between Europeans and the Mughal court.
Contact between Western Europe and the Mughal empire was put into practice in the very beginning of the 17th century. The Portuguese, English, and later on, the Dutch were the ones to trade with the Mughal empire.
In the steam and leaf chart there are 11 numbers that are at least 60 but less than 90.