Answer: Malaria inflicts great casualties and affects entire army's indiscriminately. Soldiers were exposed and vulnerable.
It is believed that Alexander the Great was killed by malaria at the height of his power
Malaria in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Liberia (2001–2003): Many US soldiers in Iraq walked while eating just to avoid being bitten and infected by mosquitoes.
Vietnam War (1962–1975): Malaria felled more combatants during the war than bullets. The disease reduced the combat strength of some units by half. Over 40,000 cases of Malaria were reported in US Army troops alone between 1965 and 70 with 78 deaths. The U.S. Army established a malaria drug research program when U.S. troops first encountered drug resistant malaria during the war
During the American civil war in 1861-1865, malaria accounted for 1,316,000 episodes of illness and 10,000 deaths. It has been estimated that 50% of the white soldiers and 80% of the black soldiers got malaria annually.
Sugar Act.
Parliament, desiring revenue from its North American colonies, passed the first law specifically aimed at raising colonial money for the Crown. The act increased duties on non-British goods shipped to the colonies.
Russia lost nearly all of Ukraine, and the three Baltic republics were ceded to Germany
No final do século XVII, as exportações de açúcar brasileiro começaram a diminuir. Isto ocorreu, pois a Holanda havia começado a produzir este produto nas ilhas da América Central. Com preços mais baixos e boa qualidade, o mercado consumidor europeu passou a dar preferência para o açúcar holandês. Que mudanças o ouro provocou no Brasil colonial? Roteiro Introdução A corrida do ouro A renda da metrópole Controle e repressão Os efeitos da mineração Introdução
Em meados do século XVIII começam a serem descobertas as primeiras minas de ouro na região de Minas Gerais.
O centro econômico desloca-se para a região Sudeste.