In acest roman este vorba despre Ana si Ghita,care alături de mama Anucai si cei doi copii a lor isi deschiseră un han lânga moara.Ghita este amestecat in treburi necurate,din cauza samadaului Lica.Desi fuse avertizat de către soția lui,Ghita nu voiește a pleca din acel loc,fiind prea orbit de banii făcuți.In ultima parte a romanului,ne este descrisă moartea personajelor,Ghita ucigandu-si sotia,samadaul pe Ghita,samadaul dând foc la han si murind si el,bunica rămânând astfel singura,fara nimic cu cei doi nepoți.
If your talking about being in this crisis,
Well I’d do exactly what our governor is doing currently! I am stuck in NM.
And he is having everyone wearing masks when they walk into a store.
Also there can only be a certain amount of people in a store at once.
He says people can go out, just practice distancing and no groups of people.
Although he strongly recommends ya to stay home to avoid contact with anything.
Our governor isn’t that strict because there’s no cases where we are but he still gives us freedom.
It sounds kinda strict but that’s what I would do to help prevent anything from spreading.
translate it and check
... T: The second question of the "cloak" lesson is a short story as soon as the last patient slipped out of the clinic, pointing his face to the palm of his palm until I jumped out of my seat and took my bag and woke it up and I was more important to go out 11 | ..... "The sentence "Masanda" is his face to the palm of his palm.