War forces women to enter the labor market more massively and with that, women were gradually able to find a place of work, because in the war, as men were needed to work, but most were in the war, women served as a workforce, this opened up a greater space for them, to encourage them to continue making space in the market.
Because the words hee to be chosen correctly
Parents who don't want their children dating set this restriction for different reasons, most of them are either an irrational fear of something happening to their child (which really just hold the child back because, whether you like it or not things <em>will</em> happen) or because of religious reasons (in that case.. you shouldn't date).
Most parents just want what is best for their child and even more so when they're "protecting" their only child. The problem with this is, through dating you learn what you like and don't like. You learn what you want and how to deal with certain things. Some parents tend to hold their children back from seeing the "dangerous side of the world" only for them to be thrown into it when they're adults and living on their own. In this case, maybe the mother wanted her son to reach a certain age before dating, or she wants him to date a person he can see versus online dating.
Hope this helps,
i hope this is helpful..
a patient has been eating healthy foods, but her respiratory system is not working as well as it usually does. ... Yes, her body can get everything it needs for energy from molecules in food. No, her respiratory system does not have enough oxygen to combine together to release energy.
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Dear foriener friend,
I am writing this letter for you. I live in Nepal.Nepal is a place where I was born and I live in.Nepal is a beautiful country.Nepal is also the most beautiful country in the world too.Our country is divided into three groups they are terai region,mountain region and hilly region.Here are many population growth of people in our country.Here is so many beautiful places to visit for tourists to visit.Nepal is als rich in nature and water.Here are many beautiful houses,places and shops.In our country here are many facilities and rights for all of us.Here people celebrate different festivals that depends on their religions,cast and culture.Here are total altogether 135 ethnic groups and 123 languages are spoken here.Here they sell do hard work for their life to survive,to make their family happy, to protect their family,to fulfill their needs and to fulfill their dreams.Now,our country is developed much more and better than before.And I love my country very much.
From you friend_______
Thank you for reading my letter.