Net Asset value (NAV)
Net Asset value (NAV) represent per share market value of the fund.It is calculated using the below formula
Net Asset value of fund=Value of mutual fund's portfolio-Mutual fund liabilities/Number of share outstanding.
Mutual fund portfolio normally includes all the cash and securities of a fund.
NAV is normally computed at the end of the end of each trading day based on the closing market prices of the fund portfolio.
"Sweater" is the factor that is most likely influencing the decision to wait because it probably isn't cold enough for a sweater yet (I think?)
Strategic planning is important to an organization because it provides a sense of direction and outlines measurable goals. Strategic planning is a tool that is useful for guiding day-to-day decisions and also for evaluating progress and changing approaches when moving forward.
Hierarchy, Information Systems
The pyramid model of four level in an organization is based on and is depends on the various levels of the hierarchy systems or management in the organization.
These four level is of different types of the Information System in the organization.
1. First level : It is also known as Strategic level or Executive Information Systems.
2. Second level : It is also know as Management Level or the Decision Support Systems.
3. Third level : Another term is Management Level or Management Information Systems.
4. Fourth Level : It is called the Operational Level or the Transaction Processing Systems.
The main way in which speculative investing weakened the stability of the stock market was that it it led to high overvaluation of a company's worth, meaning that people began to divest quickly, leading to a run on the banks.