1. Hyphens are used to join words, indicate pauses, and to seperate syllables. However, they are not usually used with prefixes.
2. That is true.
3. Man and eating, because when joined by a hyphen, it is man-eating which is a word commonly seen in literary books and magazines.
Is there a text i need to relate to for evidence or do I have to write the 100 words completelely in my own words?
Answer is B.
It provides the most clear answer in which most people can understand. It summarizes what he means very well. Thomas basically said that he would not support war in most circumstances but he would also not stand by and suffer when an evil force is hurting him. Even if it is a king, he would still not let himself and his friends suffer from his "tyranny." The choice B summarizes this nicely.
To understand the various ways people read text