As the Cold War developed and the Guatemalan government clashed with U.S. corporations on an increasing number of issues, the U.S. government grew increasingly suspicious of the Guatemalan Revolution. In addition, the Cold War predisposed the Truman administration to see the Guatemalan government as communist.
One reason: Plowing large areas of land
A few more reasons: poor farming practices, farmers would loosen up the soil, and the land was deforested, making it loose the roots that held the soil in place.
President Herbert Hoover.
People questioned Hoover's compassion, because he seemed unwillingness to provide direct relief to Americans.
According to an understanding reached between the United States and the Soviet Union in the last days of the war, Soviet troops would occupy the parts of Korea north of the 38th parallel and US troops would occupy those south of this dividing line. ... With this, the Korean question was referred to the United Nations.
An Electorial college is a body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president.