A: The fields and farmlands are dirty places run by the serfs, indentured servants to the Lord living up in the manor house. The serfs had a rough life and had to pay harder and harder taxes, barely subsisting off of what the yfarmed.
B: The village was mostly inhabited by merchants and those who did not farm, and serfs came here to sell what goods they had excess, but they rarely had any excess after the taxes and their food were considered. In larger fiefs they were typically bustling places with many marketplaces and inns for travelers and merchants.
C: The manor house, depending upon the status of the lord, was typically either luxurious or extremely defensible, or sometimes both. In the event it was a proper castle, those from the village and fields would come and hide in it during a siege or raid, reducing civilian casualties. The lord and his family would live here, along with a garrison, if it was a castle, or guards, if it was but a manor.
- Hitler tried it. How far did he get? Hitler never got to Moscow let alone further inland. Russia offers the following problems.
- It has a vast area to conquer.
- It has a good working industrial base. During WWII, Russia had that Industrial Base up and running. The problem from their point of view was that America's was better. I don't think that that's true now.
- Russia has an adequate army, air force and navy. Hitler relied on Blitzkrieg (which he thought he could conquer Russia quickly. It didn't turn out that way). which simply would not work on the Russian terrain. Many of Hitler's soldiers froze to death because he could not supply them with winter clothing. It would be that much harder now.
Answer: don't try it. It is better to wage economic war, but that seems like a poor idea to me. Russia's currency is in pretty good shape. Can you say the same about the American dollar?
Answer:As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished. Furthermore, California entered the Union as a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah
hmmm it help us with our work later
Credit for our modern version of the school system usually goes to Horace Mann. When he became Secretary of Education in Massachusetts in 1837, he set forth his vision for a system of professional teachers who would teach students an organized curriculum of basic content.
dont credit him XD