To try and prevent another world war from breaking out and obviously that didn't work.
C. Unit North and South Korean under a communist government
A main reason that the age of revolutions initially failed to achieve widespread change in some nations of Europe was because many of these failed revolutions took place in the "backyards" of their mother countries--meaning that they were easily taken down with military power.
Citizen participation refers to the citizens' involvement in their country's government. In an autocracy, there is often very little citizen participation. The power lies solely in the government, most likely in just one person. One example of an autocratic government is a monarchy. In which, the King or Queen holds all the power. Citizen participation is not a priortiy in this form of government. In an oligarchy, a group of people are in control. Usually, this group is a higher/richer class. A democratic government, however, involves more citizen participation than arguably any other government form. In a democratic system, the citizens make most of the important decisions. Presidents, represenatives, law-makers, etc. are all elected by the citizens.
Following the U.S. example of vesting chief of state and chief of government powers in a single individual, Yeltsin was to act as his own prime minister. It was also stated that, mindful of Gorbachev’s fate, he would personally supervise the Defense and Interior ministries and the KGB. In addition, the bureaucracy was to be streamlined.