Peristalsis is the movement of particles through the digestive tract
Enzymes are biological catalysts that increase the rate of chemical reactions inside cells by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to proceed. In nature, exergonic reactions do not require energy beyond activation energy to proceed, and they release energy.
Turgor pressure is equal to the outside pressure of the atmosphere
Yes it is absolutely true that each lung is fed oxygen by a separate bronchus. There are actually two lungs and two bronchi. Each of the two lungs are safeguarded by the two ribcages as
they are placed within the rib cages. The lungs actually consists of elastic
sacs that contract and expand for taking in and releasing air. This way oxygen
is passed into the blood and carbon dioxide is taken out from the blood and
passed out. This is also the main function of the lungs.
Climate-controlled room are almost indoor and are kept with stable temperatures and also with stable humidity levels.
<u>In biological experiments, it used to establish constant parameters like temperature, humidity, exposure to different things, growth of organisms and etc.</u>
These rooms provide better shelf life and thus better results.