This poem details the two paths, making clear the amount of use either has sustained. Frost goes through the visual of examining each path, which is like a person examining what the outcomes might be if they were to choose one of two choices or "paths". He then goes on to say that he hopes he can come back to the fork in the road but doubts that he will. This can be related to when a person has to choose between two opportunities of somewhat equal appeal, they know they must choose one but still hope that the other might become available again sometime in the future. Then Frost goes on to say that the path he chose, the "one less traveled by", has "made all the difference". It can therefore be interpreted that by taking the leap, taking the risk, has helped him greatly. Frost makes good use of repetition, similes, as well as metaphors. He also uses elegant descriptions to help the reader visualize the paths.
One example of how it is divided is that some of the residents of the community are racist, but others are not.
Width of 1st one: 4 cm
what it will be (if you keep the same area): 12 cm wide 3 cm tall
so in a time of conflict when you don't consider where the other person is coming from it can be a negative outcome my situation was getting kicked out of the house over not being good enough for my grandmother so I lost my family perspective taking couldn't help me but it's being able to assess the situation
hope this was helpful