Explanation: King James II issued a Declaration of Indulgence, which suspended penal laws against Catholics and granted acceptance of some Protestant dissenters. Later that year, the king formally dissolved his Parliament and attempted to create a new Parliament that would support him unconditionally. when the English and Scottish Parliaments refused to pass his plan , James attempted to impose them by order them but did work out very well it was a political reason, that led to his removal. Rather than a religious one. There another reason James attempted to promote the Roman Catholic cause by dismissing judges and Lord Lieutenants who refused to support the withdrawal of laws penalising religious dissidents, appointing Catholics to important academic posts, and to senior military and political positions. Within three years, the majority of James's subjects had been alienated. The Army and the Navy disaffected despite James's investment in them deserted to William, and James fled to France. James's attempt to regain the throne by taking a French army to Ireland failed - he was defeated at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. James spent the rest of his life in exile in France, dying there in 1701.
Patriots, also known as Whigs, were the colonists who rebelled against British monarchial control. Their rebellion was based on the social and political philosophy of republicanism, which rejected the ideas of a monarchy and aristocracy – essentially, inherited power.
D. They openly accepted their bondage and strove to create close relationships with their owners.
Two institutions in the life of slaves - the church and the family - became the objects of the most detailed critical analysis of historians. The vitality, worldview and hallmarks of the rite of religion of slaves pointed to the flexibility and vitality of the African cultural heritage and the extent to which blacks managed to resist the dehumanizing influence of the “special institution” of the South. Slaves rejected the interpretation of Christianity, which was professed by whites and which emphasized the need for humility and promised deliverance from suffering not on earth, but in the afterlife. On the contrary, they began to consider themselves as God's chosen people, like the children of Israel, and their slavish dependence and possible freedom in the future - as part of a predetermined divine plan.
Spirituals – songs of black American slaves - arose in the southern states and generalized African and Anglo-Celtic artistic traditions. They are mostly associated with biblical images, but biblical motifs are "reduced," combined with a narrative of everyday life.
Despite the targeted and coordinated prohibitions of slave owners, slaves managed to create their own communities and played an active role in the life of the region.
Гnder official law, marriages between slaves were recognized as invalid. But the black spouses themselves took them very seriously, creating strong monogamous families.