the CPU utilization decreases as the degree of multiprogramming is increased.
The fundamental concept is that allocating a process with too few frames causes too many and frequent page faults. This implies that the CPU does not perform any useful work and thus its utilization would decrease drastically. In this case, the long-term scheduler, in a bid to improve the utilization of the CPU, would load more processes into the memory so as to increase the extent of multiprogramming. As a result, there would be more decrease in the utilization of the CPU, leading to a chained reaction of higher page faults, which is then followed by a corresponding increase in the multiprogramming degree, usually known as thrashing.
A navigation bar (or navigation system) is a section of a graphical user interface intended to aid visitors in accessing information. Navigation bars are implemented in file browsers, web browsers and as a design element of some web sites.
c h b l
color palette and a lightbulb
price float(price)
There are four basic type of data type use in the programming to declare the
1. int: it is used for integer values.
2. float: it is used for decimal values.
3. char: it is used for character values
4. Boolean: it is used for true or false.
in the question, the one option contain the data type float (price float(price)). So, it store the value in decimal.
price int(price): it store the value in integer.
price decimal(price): it is wrong declaration of variable. their is no data type in the programming which name is decimal.
price price(decimal): it is wrong declaration of variable. their is no data type in the programming which name is price.
// here is code in C++.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// recursive function to find sum from 1 to n
int recur_Sum(int n)
{ // base condition
if (n <= 1)
return n;
// recursive call
return n + recur_Sum(n - 1);
// main function
int main()
// variables
int n;
cout<<"Enter a number:";
// read the number
// print the sum
cout<<"Sum of first "<<n<<" integer from 1 to "<<n<<" is:"<<recur_Sum(n);
return 0;
Read a number from user and assign it to variable "n".Call function recur_Sum() with parameter "n".This function will recursively call itself and find the Sum of first n numbers from 1 to n.Then function will return the sum.
Enter a number:10
Sum of first 10 integer from 1 to 10 is:55