If you're referring to new non-European states that have risen since the Cold War Ended, then the effect has perhaps been minimal in terms of their daily lives, but if they have close relations with the US it would mean a stronger connection.
Because LBJ, under the Tolkien Resolution, was given basically infinite power to protect U.S interests in Vietnam. Thus, President Johnson continued to "escalate", or build up American forces, weapons, and intervention in Vietnam. Now, somewhat opposite of this would be "Vietnamization" under Nixon, which was the gradual withdrawal of American troops but a continuation of supplies in order to aid South Vietnam from the Vietcong.
whose lives were at risk if they stayed behind.
By 1974, it became certain that the Republic of Vietnam would fall. Thousand of southern Vietnamese were escaping by sea and air. The Northern Vietnamese troops were at the border of the southern capital of Saigon by April 1975. The President of the United States gave order for the evacuation of U.S civilians and the Vietnamese who were at risk. Around seven thousand people were evacuated by airlifts in the final phase of evacuation called Operation Frequent wind.
It would be because as a result in a change of a cultural experience girls are less likely to finish school because their education is not a high priority
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