Mi familia y yo nos divertimos mucho este verano. Todo comenzó cuando mi mamá dijo que íbamos a ir a Inglaterra a visitar a un pariente.
Y cuando fuimos, no solo fuimos a visitarla, sino que también exploramos y compramos. nos quedamos en la casa de nuestros parientes y nos quedamos allí solo una semana. Después de eso, otra semana más tarde fuimos a Disney World.
Todo fue genial para mi verano, oh, y lo que más me gusta del verano fue dormir.
Me and my family had really fun this summer. It all started when my mom said we were going to go to England to go visit our relative.
And when we did go we didnt just go visit her but we also explored and shoped around. we stayed at our relatives house and stayed there for a week only. After that a another week later we went to disney world.
It was all great for my summer oh and my faverite thing about summer was sleeping.
Doña María está de vacaciones en la playa, ella está tomando sol en su toalla mientras los niños están jugando en el agua, uno de los niños se fué muy hondo y se está ahogando, el esposo de doña María va nadando rápidamente a ayudarlo, afortunadamente lo sacaron del agua y está bien, solo se llevaron un susto.
Doña María is on vacation at the beach, she is sunbathing on her towel while the children are playing in the water, one of the children went very deep and is drowning, Doña María's husband is swimming quickly to help him, afortunely they took him out the water and he's fine, they just had a scare.
We conjugated according to de subject
I'm not fully sure but your question is when we like to do something A mi me gusta (example) jugar football. U are just conjugating it I guess
I hope it helped!