As we learned in our last task on imperialism, America under President Wilson had started to favor a more isolationist, and less
interventionist approach to the foreign affairs of other countries. Or, at least, that was the intent. U.S. isolation or neutrality in the face of foreign affairs would be greatly tested with the onset of World War 1 in Europe in 1914. In this task, we will investigate the causes of World War I and American involvement in the Great War. Compelling Question: Why did the U.S. enter WWI, and were critics of WWI anti-American?
Supporting Question #1: What caused WWI?
**Type the definitions given on the screen**
Looking back, my life has not been what I always want it to be. After a heart-breaking divorce, I went on a path of self destruction. I started drinking heavily and using drugs as a way to numb the pain. Finally I had a wake up call. As I got in to some legal trouble. It opened my eyes to all the things I may have lost if I continued living my life that way. I then decided to turn my life around and go back to school. I obtained my P.H.D. and then have since found a new wife and job.