Explanation : not really sure but statistics is when you collect present organize your data by manual work which dosen't mean you have to research on the internet
Goverment can pass laws regulating the use of water for certain things like for their lawn or garden. Or they could encourage people to flush the toilet less.
This would reduce the use of water because a lot of water is used for these unnecessary things.
The statement 'south of London' is an example of 'absolute location' is false.
- A location can be said to be an absolute location when it is defined with exact longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates.
- For instance, the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London can be said to be an example of 'absolute location' because its location can be pinpointed with the help of longitudes and latitudes.
- When we say south of London, it can be the entire area that falls south of London, which cannot be an example of an 'absolute location'.
Fertilizers are good source of nutrients
people are dependent on farmer, farmers need fertilizers to grow fast so