2.The Battle of Wandiwash was a decisive battle in India during the Seven Years' War. The Count de Lally's army, burdened by a lack of naval support and funds, attempted to regain the fort at Vandavasi, now in Tamil Nadu. He was attacked by Sir Eyre Coote's forces and decisively defeated. The French general Marquis de Bussy-Castelnau and the French were then restricted to Pondichéry, where they surrendered on 16 January 1761. Wandiwash is the Anglicised pronunciation of Vandavasi.
3. The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory of the British East India Company over the Nawab of Bengal and his French[1] allies on 23 June 1757. The battle consolidated the Company's presence in Bengal, which later expanded to cover much of India over the next hundred years.
About Battle of Bunar Maybe you mistaked
the spelling
It may be Battle of Buxar
Or battle of bunker
Tell me which and I will answer you about it in the comments OK!
Many people reacted in a good way to the new constitution, while some thought it gave too much power to the government. The Federalists supported the new constitution in 1787, while the Anti-Federalists primarily did not agree with it.
The Federalists were in support of a new constitution. They believed that the Articles of Confederation, which was the United States' first constitution, was too weak and the government needed more power. Under the Articles, the government could not tax citizens, properly create and enforce laws, regulate trade, and draft soldiers. The Federalists felt like this was weakening the country and they needed to amend it. While the Articles ended up getting scrapped altogether, the Federalists were in support of this and wanted to create a new constitution that gave more power to the federal government.
On the other hand, the Anti-Federalists favored the Articles of Confederation and did not want to amend it or create a new constitution. They associated the government having power with British tyranny and thought the power should be in the hands of the states and citizens. They opposed having a new constitution and were scared for their rights, this is why they demanded to have a Bill of Rights.
D) the leaders of citizens' groups can run for office .