Excommunication to the Hagia Sohpia
The threat of excommunication used by the Pope to hold his power over the Eastern Church. The Pope delivers a Bull of Excommunication to the Hagia Sophia because of its religious practices. The Western Church used Images of crucifixes, Mary, and saints where the Eastern Church forbid image. The opposition in the churches led to excommunicated between Eastern patriarch and Pope Leo IX.
The magna carta
the first and foremost modern constitution of a nation... upon which all nations constitutions were based
the first civil and judiciary setting valued for a free and democratic enterprise to flourish from
the institutionalization of power thru legitimacy and merit... and the importance of social order
the military might and the expansionary nature of empires highlighted and how properly to conduct the affairs of an empire
A) Deterrence is the answer.
During the 1950s, television because a wildly popular technology. Many families had TVs in their home, and they would use these TV to get the news, watch cartoon, etc.