The Constitution of the United States is the central instrument of American ... A draft document emerged in 1787, but only after intense debate and six years of ... The diversity of the new nation was also a formidable obstacle to unity.
I Think The answer would be a
In early christianity it was a common thougt that the Jews killed Jesus christ in since they did but theology has evolved and accepted the fact that we all killed Jesus becuase of our sins.The religion was a heresy of Judaism like Islam is a heresy of christianity.However in the 18th century long after the crusades the Jews were in the minority.We see today that majority is willing to blame the minority for its problems.Since their was a large competition between church and synagogue and the Jews rougly got the bad end of the stick after the 18th century when Hitler pointed his finger at the Jews it was only a matter of time before that build up of antisemitism exploded.
Hopefully this will help you answer the question.
lol. Can I have brainliest and a heart please? I'm close to getting 'genius' rank so help is appreciated! Thank you.
The advantages of a centralized government impliy the following.
After the industrial revolution, the growth of economics worldwide has been lead by large companies that need centralization to be effective.
But in ancient times like the dynasties in China, a central government unified people in order to have a better control of the society. A strong central authority made possible a much better internal operation of rules.
However, centralization has disadvantages like despotism, autocracy and deaf ears to peoples opinions and demands.
In decentralized systems like the Greeks of ancient times, The Assembly had monthly meetings in Athens to discuss the the problems of the city. The meetings were open to the public in a demonstration of civility and the right of hearing to anyone.
Nowadays we find decentralized governments like the U.S. or centralized ones like Cuba.