Nucleic acids are biochemical macromolecules that store and transfer genetic information in the cell. They use their stored genetic information to direct the synthesis of new proteins in the cell. New proteins can be synthesized by the ribosomes from the DNA and genes held in the nucleic acids.
(a) Phosphatases remove the phosphate from GTP on GTP-binding proteins, turning them off
- A molecular switches are molecule that can be reversibly shifted between two or more stable states.
- The molecules may be shifted between the states in response to environmental stimuli, such as changes in pH, light, temperature, an electric current, micro-environment, or in the presence of ions and other ligands.
Find the mass of a car that has a speed of 30 m/s and a momentum of 45,000 kg*m
The oldest fossil evidence that geochemists have been able to find in deposits in Pilbara, Australia, and South Africa have been dated to 3.5 bya. In addition, organic compounds that may be the result of those produced by organisms have been dated, also in Greenland, to 3.8 bya.
a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue
a thing that rouses activity or energy in someone or something; a spur or incentive
an interesting and exciting quality.