Answer is bottom front teeth
Firstly, this area is a difficult spot to clean, especially if the head of your toothbrush is bulky. It is very easy to skim over, leaving plaque behind. Also, there are saliva ducts present on the floor of the mouth, adjacent to these teeth, so saliva is continually bathing this area.
The obesity problem can be decreased by reducing the amount of fat foods the individuals consume; however it all still relates back to the motivation of the person.
People can have food addictions to my knowledge, just as they may become addicted to cigarettes or drugs. They may enjoy the taste of the sugar or carbonation they intake.
Schools may offer a nutritious meal, but that doesn't mean it is good quality. I would change it by increasing the quality, even if I paid extra. I see many kids who throw away their lunch because they think it's inedible.
Communication is key in a relationship. This can help them talk through their problems
I'm going to say 2 to 3 as my answer
I have no evidence proving so but it sounds like the most reasonable answer to me.
(correct me if I'm wrong)