Hey There!</h2><h2>
This is the picture of karyotype. Karyotype is a collection of a Individuals chromosome. Like pairs are separately represented from the unlike pairs, It is generally used to study the chromosomes and the abnormalities found in the number of chromosomes.
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>CHROMOSOMAL NUMBER 18:</h2>
Every chromosomal pair seems fine, except the chromosomal pair number 18. Because as you ca see that it has 3 chromosomes instead of 2. This impairment in the chromosomal pair is called trisomy as it has 3 chromosomes.
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h3>TRISOMY 18:</h3>
Trisomy 18 is also called Edwards syndrome. It is a chromosomal condition associated with abnormalities in more than one part of the body. Individuals with trisomy 18 often mature slowly than normal fetus before birth and they have lower weight at the time of birth as compared to the other children.
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>Best Regards!</h2><h2>'Borz'</h2>
A physical change is basically a body change so like if a crayon is solid then sits in the sun for a long time it melts away that’s a physical change because it changes its physical appearance
Diffusion is the movement of substances from high to low concentration
osmosis is the diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane from high to low water concentration
What information on a pedigree can tell you whether a gene is on a autosome or not a sex chromosome? If in a pedigree, the occurrence of the disorder is 50/50 between females and males, then it shows that it is autosomal. If the disorder is mostly shown in males then it is a sex-linked trait.