The following is written in Java. It creates the function num_eights and uses recursion to check how many times the digit 8 appears in the number passed as an argument. A test case has been created in the main method and the output can be seen in the image below highlighted in red.
public static int num_eights(int pos){
if (pos == 0)
return 0;
if (pos % 10 == 8)
return 1 + num_eights(pos / 10);
return num_eights(pos / 10);
The management dashboard is the visual and display the KPI ( Key performance indicator) and metrics for monitoring the specific process and department.
It is basically used for checking whether the organization achieve or meet its specific goals not as per the requirement of the particular department in the organization.
The main part of the management dashboard is that it provide the visibility and alignment in the particular organization so that it meets according to the requirements of the organization. The basic requirement in the organization are:
- Business user
- Organization needs
- Information technology (IT) needs
F(a,b,c,d)=b'c' + a'cd' + ab'd'.
The image of the corresponding k-map is attached to this answer please refer it.By the sop given in the question the k-map is formed.There are 3 groups formed 1 group of four 1's and 2 groups of 2 1's.Hence there are three sop and the sop is reduced from the previous SOP.
Answer : False.
The function to total the values stored in numeric columns is the SUM function.