The answer if defiantly B. Story
1 You can learn to draw
2 You can learn to code
3 You can learn to make a thumbnail
4 You can learn how to follow yourself
5 You can learn to remix your own projects
6 You can learn how to make a featured project you've never shared
cp command
When copying files and directories under a Linux operating systems, we usually make use of the cp command . In Linux, this cp command is the one that is entered in a shell to copy a file from one location to another, and also possibly on another different file system.
A three way handshake is a method to create a connection between host and server.It is used in a TCP/IP network.
To establish a connection three steps are followed which are as following:-
- The host or sender sends a data packet called SYN to the server or receiver.It's purpose is to as if the receiver is open for new connections.
- When the receiver receives the SYN packet it responds with an ACK or SYN/ACK packet as a confirmation for the connection.
- When the sender receives the SYN/ACK packet and it respond with ACK packet.
d are the values that can be stored in the c#"bool"data type