I have choose a girl because i know what it feel likes to be a girl
Do you have any option choices? If not I would think it's the harp. (:
Answer and Explanation:
Durkheim meant that the division of labor is a form of work organization through the grouping of people into different groups, from different segments of the same work. These groups are formed through the specialization of each individual, which allows the work to progress in all sectors and segments, even if each individual works according to their own objectives. We can make this conclusion through the words of Durkheim herself, who said: “Social harmony comes essentially from the division of labour. It is characterized by a cooperation which is automatically produced through the pursuit in each individual of his own interests. It suffices that each individual consecrate himself to a special function in order, by the force of events, to make himself solidary with others.”
My life is concentrated in a completely urban environment, in this case, I have little access to natural resources in my environment, which is probably something common and a rural community. In addition, I need to use different transportation methods to get to the places I need, in addition to making long trips towards those places. Rural communities tend to be smaller spaces, which means that people get to the places they need in less time and using fewer transportation methods.
Uma noticia sempre deve ser dada com informações sobre o fato de forma precisa, clara e objetiva. Isso porque uma noticia deve ser dada de forma rápida, mas com informações suficientes e bem estabelecidas para que o leitor e/ou o telespectador consiga entender a mensagem que esta sendo passada rapidamente.
Nesse caso, uma noticia se comporta de forma diferente de uma reportagem que costuma apresentar fatos de forma mais complexa e cheia de detalhes, já que não tem a obrigação de ser rápida.