Better because we have less slaves and less racist people and less hate
Li-Young Lee’s “For a New Citizen of These United States” appeared in the poet’s second collection, The City in Which I Love You, published in Brockport, New York, in 1990. Like the majority of Lee’s poems, this one is based on his memories of a turbulent childhood, beginning with his family’s escape from Indonesia by boat in the middle of the night when he was only two years old. The past often plays a significant role in Lee’s poetry, for it is something he feels is always there— that, unlike a country or a prison, history is inescapable. But not all of the poet’s relatives and friends who endured the same fears and upheaval of life in exile share his notion of an unavoidable past. “For a New Citizen of These United States” addresses a “you” who is not specifically identified but who appears to be an acquaintance of Lee’s from the time of their flight from Indonesia. In this poem, the person spoken to is not enamored of things from the past, as Lee is, and seems not to recall any of the events and settings that Lee describes. Although the poem’s speaker—Lee himself, in this case—pretends to accept his acquaintance’s lack of interest and real or feigned forgetfulness of their shared history, his tone of voice and subtle sarcasm make it clear that he is frustrated by the other’s attitude. This premise dominates the poem from beginning to end.
1) Know the beliefs and attitudes of your audience to better communicate
In rhetorics, the speaker's or writer's goal is to affect their audience and get them to agree with their point of view. That's why it's extremely important for them to know their audience, including their beliefs and attitudes. In this case, the speaker/writer will try to make an ethical appeal (ethos) on the audience, trying to appeal to their social, religious, philosophical, ideological, and other values. There are two more types of appeal: logos (appeal to logic) and pathos (appeal to emotions).
The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place or thing in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind. Capturing an event through descriptive writing involves paying close attention to the details by using all of your five senses.
Persuasive writing intends to convince readers to believe in an idea or opinion and to do an action. Many writings such as criticisms, reviews, reaction papers, editorials, proposals, advertisements, and brochures use different ways of persuasion to influence readers.
An autobiography is a non-fiction story of a person's life, written by the subject themselves from their own point of view. Certain autobiographical writing, such as Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, can endure for well over a century and become part of the literary canon.
Biographical writing is a specific form of writing and research that takes as its subject the lives of individuals. As such it concentrates on constructing personal histories, and places them within their social, political and historical context, in order to discover and explain the influences on an individual's life.
The word 'media' comes from Latin. ... The three examples of media in South Africa are the same as the examples that one would find elsewhere in the world, namely newspapers and magazines (print media), TV (broadcasting media) and the internet (which is part publishing and part broadcasting media).
In a democratic-like South Africa, it is strongly needed to study on media. Media is a strong weapon against the corrupted people, who forcibly do whatever they want and the human rights are violated.
Media law refers to the legal regulation of culture, entertainment, advertising, broadcasting, telecommunications and generally anything relating to digital and analogue media. This can include books, video, audio, photographs, graphics, software, databases, online publications and other content.
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights protects the freedom of all the people who live in South Africa. It is the second chapter of the Constitution – the highest law of the land. The Constitution was signed into law by President Nelson Mandela in 1996.