Identical twins could not be considered as clones for they are different individuals which came from the same egg and sperm. Clones are produced asexually, a copy of another organism. Even though identical twins share the same DNA, they have different qualities as of the other twin which makes them their own unique self.
People dump a lot of trash in the sea, and the sea creatures living there goes through a lot of trouble to live with all the muck getting in them. Of course, don't write it like that in your assignment - you'll get told off for the straight forwardness.
People living nearby steep cliffs can impact them in
different ways, the people nearby will affect them into having a decrease area
available to grow crops as it is dangerous to even grow crops in areas like it,
another thing is, there will be an increase of landslide hazard as they are in
a steep cliff. Having steep cliffs are dangerous and will only cause them a