<span>Congress approved $50 million that McKinley requested to prepare for war after C. the Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor.
Although it was unclear at the time what caused the explosion, the American immediately blamed Span after the Spanish minister to the US called President McKinley a weak leader. As a result, the President set aside a large sum of money in order to prepare for war with Spain.
Many Native Americans converted to Christianity because they thought this was the only way to save themselves from dying from the Europeans' diseases. They also lost their religion. The 'encomienda' system (legalized slavery) also negatorily affected their simple way of life.
<span>Many Native American populations were utterly destroyed by the Europeans' previously unknown diseases long before they ever actually laid eyes on them. Smallpox, chicken pox and the measles were unkown in North America before the Europeans' arrival. </span>
<span>Thanks to the "Mission System' employed by the Spanish </span>Conquistadores<span>, many Native American religious practices, customs, and uiltimately, languages were lost forever. Many Native Americans were virtually enslaved. Others were outright tricked and killed by the "civilized" intruders.</span>
Federal Courts I'm pretty sure.
<h2>Answer</h2><h3>The caste system originated in our society depending upon the type of work and the nature of persons. This has reflected as class system in many other societies. However the caste system in the course of time became hereditary irrespective of one’s nature and the type of work a person undertakes.</h3>