capitalism i am positive.
The percentage that falls in the November is 25%
To get the percentage of the precipitation during the month of the November divide the given amount of precipitation in the November into the total amount of precipitation in a year.
PERCENTAGE FALLS IN THE NOVEMBER = given average of precipitation in the year of November / total precipitation falls in the year
given from the data the average precipitation in November is = 35 cm
solution, percentage falls in the November = 35 cm/140 cm
= 25%
The percentage that falls in the November is 25%.
False. Sacco and Vanzetti were likely tried unfairly by the jury, because of harbored anti-Italian, racist opinions.
it is because of the speed and low cost of transporting goods by water, influenced the locations of population settlements near navigable water.
The Supreme Court has ruled on cases dealing with freedom of religion and all of the following EXCEPT which one?
A. professional sports games
B. employment
C. military
D. public displays
Try B