He tells him it's sad that he has more looks than heart.
The big yellow thing and the man
The American artist George Catlin became fascinated with Indians in the early 1800s and traveled extensively throughout North America so he could document them on canvas. In his paintings and writings Catlin portrayed Indian life in great detail.
dynamics – is not the right answer. In music, dynamics are the different variations of sounds, notes, and phrases, going between loud and soft.
Ces – is incorrect. It is the German term for the sound of C-flat.
<u>pitch – is the correct answer.</u> Knowing the pitch of the note and sound means knowing how low or high it is.<u> Its loudness is determined by the vibrations of the sound.</u> They are measured by the <em>Hertz (Hz).</em>
timbre – is not the correct answer. Timbre is the quality of the tone and sound, as well as the color. It is a distinct character of the music, different from intensity, vibrations, and pitch.
amplitude – is not the right answer. Amplitudes are the sizes of the vibrations. By them, it is determined how loud the sound is.
I assume they get anxious when talking to large groups. My suggestion is to find a fix point to look at that’s behind the audience