First 3/8, second 2/3, and third 19/24
Ok so our original fraction is:
To simplify this fraction, look for instances where the values on the top and bottom can be reduced:
For example, 36 over 6 is the same as 6 over 1, so we can simplify the fraction so it is:
We can also eliminate the denominator by dividing the nominator by x^9 so:
And that is the simplified answer of the fraction
Hope this helped
Step-by-step explanation:
9) yes, he is correct.
50% as a decimal would be 0.50
7% as a decimal would be 0.07
10)Buy and Bye has a greater discount because 30% as a decimal is 0.30 and 1/4 as a decimal is 0.25.
0.30 is bigger than 0.25 so it is a bigger discount
7 oz bag:
110 ÷ 7 = 15.7143¢ per oz
9 oz bag:
146 ÷ 9 = 16.2222¢ per oz
So the answer is the 7 oz bag, hope this helps!