The First Amendment's Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another.
Protest during the World War II Era. The 1940s marked a major change in Georgia's civil rights struggle. The New Deal and World War II precipitated major economic changes in the state, hastening urbanization, industrialization, and the decline of the power of the planter elite.
Aqueducts <span>were used by the Roman Empire to supply its urban citizens with fresh water from far-off places.
Answer: A development that changed attitudes during prohibition was the introduction of speakeasies. Other answers are explained below
• The conflict between religion and science can be witnessed in the Scopes "Monkey Trial". John Scopes was charged of going against Tennessee law which forbids people from teaching evolution in state school. Scopes did this intentionally in order to create a scene and end the law.
• In the 1920's, the introduction of speakeasies was a development and an illegal way of drinking alcohol. It was seen as a way of consuming alcohol by the upper class despite the ban of alcohol in the United States. Speakeasies brought joy onto the face of people during the time it was prohibited.
• Technology provided Americans with more time for leisure. In the 1920s, there were labor saving devices and this provided Americans with more time to have fun. Technology encouraged Americans to do more things with their time.
<u>Relationship between regional location and the quality of life in the Northern and Southern black experiences in the 19th-century:</u>
The comparison of southern and northern blacks living in the north and the west are considered for a wide variety of attributes such as employment , occupation, income , martial stability and offspring performance.
The migrant to the america , those income is found to vary the education , those with the low educational attainment . The northern men are often at work that migrates about religious differences in work orientation among black , labor force activities indicates this patterns does not hold for women.