una membrana nuclear se vuelve a formar alrededor de cada grupo de cromosomas y un nucléolo reaparece en cada nuevo núcleo. Los cromosomas también comienzan a descondensarse. ... Se forman dos nuevos núcleos, uno para cada conjunto de cromosomas.
The answer is D, white blood cells.
The main function of white blood cells is to defense the body from bacteria or other pathogens. There's 2 main kinds of white blood cells, lymphocytes and phagocytes. Lymphocytes mainly produce antibodies that can kill bacteria or any pathogens, and phagocytes can ingest the pathogens directly.
Therefore, since the white blood cells can protect our body, they're part of our immune system.
of worms can survive living near underwater valcano vents then life can thrive in hot evoroments because worms are indicators of life
Typhitis, also called neutropenic enterocolitis, is an infection that often develops in cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy. In many cases, surgical intervention is required.
Without surgical intervention, the patient would be transferred to an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for monitoring, and the nurse would perform some or all of these emergency actions:
1. Bowel rest and nasogastric suction,
2. Serial abdominal examinations,
3. Providing intravenous fluids, blood, and platelet transfusions when needed,
4. Using antibiotics to fight the infection, and obtaining cultures to determine if the antibiotic is working,
5. Not administering medication that could worsen the situation.
hemistry is the "scientific study of matter, its properties, and interactions with other matter and with energy". ... It is an experimental science in which theories are developed and tested against observations. The goals of physics include explaining and predicting how the universe works. Biology is the study of life.