<span>If a user name can have seven letters (with no distinction between upper and lower case), and if a letter can be repeated, then the maximum number of names is 26x26x26x26x26x26x26, or 8,031,810,176. That is, slightly more than eight billion names are possible.</span>
In python:
age = float(input("How old are you? "))
weight = float(input("How much do you weigh? "))
heart_rate = float(input("What's your heart rate? "))
time = float(input("What's the time? "))
print("The calories burned for men is {}, and the calories burned for women is {}.".format(
((age * 0.2017) - (weight * 0.09036) + (heart_rate * 0.6309) - 55.0969) * (time / 4.184),
((age * 0.074) - (weight * 0.05741) + (heart_rate * 0.4472) - 20.4022) * (time / 4.184)))
This is the program.
When you enter 49 155 148 60, the output is:
The calories burned for men is 489.77724665391963, and the calories burned for women is 580.939531548757.
Round to whatever you desire.
NFC(Near Field Communication).
When user wants to share pictures quickly between the mobile devices which are in very close proximity we can use NFC(Near Field Communication).
Near Field Communication(NFC):-It is a group of communication protocols that lets two devices most of the times these are mobile phones to establish connection and the distance between them should be less around 4 centi meter.
Establish what skills are required to reach his goal
The elements in a string type array will be initialized to "Null".