The Fertile Crescent is a region between the eastern Mediterranean and the the valleys of Tigris and Euphrates. This region is very important in the human history as this is the region from which the first civilizations arose, mainly because it enable the people to produce food on large scale and be able to have a settled life style. Also, this is a region that is very important because from here spread the monotheistic religions, such as the Judaism, and Christianity, but also the Islam even though it started off in Arabia, it is a religion descendant of the previous two.
So they can be made for less money than conventional buildings.
Gregorry Vll Important because during the time of Gregorry VII there were many changes in the church.
Pope Gregory VII became the pope of the church from April 1073 till he died in 1085. This eleventh century pope was important because he saw many changes in the church during the time when he was the pope.
He also worked at the post of the papal advisory for a series of popes before he him self got elected as the pope of the church. He gave papal office the importance.
C. Expanding German Territory