The stock market has historically returned an average of 10% annually, before inflation. However, stock market returns vary greatly from year-to-year, and rarely fall into that average. Over nearly the last century, the stock market's average annual return is about 10%.
Increased border control, enlightened rulers turned against France, & the Legislative Assembly declared war on multiple states. devince used during reign of terror to execute by beheading. ... 2 house legislature & executive body.
- Thomas Malthus--Predicted that population growth would far exceed the food supply.
- Adam Smith-- Stressed the idea that a free market needs to function without government interference.
- Robert Owen-- Proposed a society where workers are treated fairly and children are taught to read and write.
- Adam Smith-- Stated the “Invisible Hand” of the market would benefit both producers and consumers.
- Robert Owen-- Focused on providing education to children instead of letting them work in factories.
Rizal stood strong in his beliefs and even refused to sign the notification confirming his execution. Despite his conviction, he eventually agreed to his death sentence and signed it. The judge instructed him to sign the notification of sentence, which is required by law.
Size comparison Venezuela is about 1.2 times smaller than Colombia. Colombia is approximately 1,138,910 sq km, while Venezuela is approximately 912,050 sq km, making Venezuela 80.08% the size of Colombia. Meanwhile, the population of Colombia is ~49.1 million people (20.4 million fewer people live in Venezuela).