The correct answer is paper plates.
- This question could be simple to answer if you look closely at the answer choices. Cooking and shelter are the same topic, I and II, respectively. They are the main topics of this list.
- Shopping list does not exist in this outline, even though we assume this is a shopping list.
- Paper plates is the last option remaining. And it is a detail of the outline because it is an item in the bigger section/sub-heading "Non-food items", which is in the main topic "Cooking".
"Is it cool if fluffy and I sleep in the living room."
myself: I ,and instead of sleeps is sleep.
Inquire Means to:
Mid-14c., "one whose profession is to plead cases in a court of justice," a technical term from Roman law, from Old French avocat "barrister, advocate, spokesman," from Latin advocatus "one called to aid; a pleader, advocate," noun use of past participle of advocare "to call" (as witness or advisor) from ad- "to" (see ...
the last lines are put in a bracket because they do not make the thoughts of the poet, and neither do they make the voice of the rain. What they contain, is the observation that the poet made as regards the course the poem is taking.
reck'd or unreck'd means that whether or not you cared for the sound of the rains, if someone listened to the sound made by the rain, if someone didn't listen, whatever the case may be, it does not affect the rains and neither does it affects the poet.